
Mini Update

With the backlog of schoolwork and life being as equally encumbering, I'll try to make at least three entries a month. What's new?

-1/20: my laptop was finally delivered; my studio 1555

-Spring Semester began 1/25: mideterms spanning through this entire month.

-2/9: I filed my taxes and received my federal check just yesterday. Presently, I'm buying a new bed, chest of drawer, nightstand and mattress.

-2/15: Tery and I ended our relationship. Honestly, the cessation hasn't affected me as hugely as I thought it would. I cared about Tery but there were just a lot of reservations I discerned he had; being in a relationship period. We ended on amicable terms and he's assured we'd be friends. Hoenstly, I'm not waiting for any of that to ensue. I have college to finish and my life to carry on. If anything, this is a betterment as opposed to a setback. Now that I'm single, I plan to stay that way for a good while.

- 2/28: William is tentative about Otakon and he may not go. All the same, I'm going to pre-register and have resolved to go, with or without accompaniments.